Hung, M., Lauren, E., Hon, E.S., Lipsky, M., Birmingham, W.C., Xu, J., Park, J., Su, S., Dang, P., Licari, F.W. (2020) Social Network Analysis of COVID-19 Sentiments: Application of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Birmingham, W.C., Cavallini, A. *Sgro, J. (2019). Spousal influence on body image and eating: A study of sub-clinical women. Journal of Health Psychology.
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L.L., Hung, M., Li, W., Herr, R. (May 2019). Ambivalence in the early years of marriage: Impact on ambulatory blood pressure and relationship processes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2019 Apr 22. pii: kaz017.
Birmingham, W.C., Macintosh, J.L.B., Vaughn, A., Graff, T. (2019). Strength of belief: Religious commitment, knowledge, and HPV vaccination acceptance. Psycho-Oncology. 1; 43(3): 583-590.
Birmingham, W.C., Reblin, M., Kohlmann, W., **Graff, T. (2019). Differences of opinion: Spousal influence on cancer screening and healthy lifestyle behavior. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(3), 582-591.
**Graff, T., Luke, S.G. †Birmingham, W.C., (2019). Impact of received emotional support on pupillary stress response. PLoS One, 2019 Feb 22;14(2):e0212703. DOI: eCollection 2019.
Hung. M., Voss, M.W., Chen, W., *Bousanga, J., *Crums, A.B., Graff, T., †Birmingham, W.C. (2019). Assessing Spousal Support and Health in an Aging Population: Support and Strain amidst Changing Social Dynamics. Social Work in Health Care. 58(4):345-367.
**Voss, M. W., Wadsworth, L. L., Birmingham, W.C., Merryman, M. B., Crabtree, L., Subasic, K., & Hung, M. (2018). Health Effects of Late-Career Unemployment. J Aging Health, 1-21.
**Voss, M., Merryman, M. B., Crabtree, L., Subasic, K., Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L., Hung, M. (August 2018). Late career unemployment has mixed effects in retirement. Journal of Occupational Science.
Reblin, M., Birmingham, W.C., Kohlmann, W., Graff, T. (October 2017; epub ahead of publishing). Support and negation of colorectal cancer risk prevention behaviors: analysis of spousal discussions. Psychology, Health & Medicine.
**Voss, M., Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, Bousanga, J., Chen, W., Gu, Y., Hung, M.. (February 2017). Honest labour bears a lovely face: Will late life unemployment impact health and satisfaction in retirement? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 59(2), 184-190.
Hung. M., *Bousanga, J., **Voss, M.W., *Crums, A.B., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. (January 2017). The relationship between family support: Pain and depression in elderly with arthritis. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 22(1), 75-86.
Hung. M.,*Crums, A.B.,* Bousanga, J., **Voss, M.W., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. (December 2016). Prevalence of depressive symptoms in the older population. Geriatric Mental Health Care. 3(3-4), 29-35.
Brigham Young University [50] Hung, M. Licari, F. W., Hon, E. S., Lauren, E., Su, S., Birmingham, W. C., Wadsworth, L. L., Lassetter, J. H., Graff, T, C., Harman, W., Carroll, W., Lipski, M.S. (2020) In an era of uncertainty: Impact of COVID-19 on dental education. Dental Education.
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L. L., Lassetter, J. H., Graff, T., Lauren, E., Hung, M. (accepted 2021). COVID-19 lockdown: Impact on college students’ lives. Journal of American College Health
Tyler Graff, Wendy Birmingham, Steven Luke. Spousal Emotional Support and Relationship Quality Buffers Pupillary Response to Horror Movies PLOS ONE [epub ahead of print]
Birmingham, W.C. & Reblin, M. (2019). Differences in perceptions of spousal influence and family communication. Chapter in J. Theiss & K. Greene (Eds.), Relationships, Health, and Wellness. Cancer Risk-reducing Behaviors. Routledge Press.
Birmingham, W.C. (April 2020) Religious commitment, knowledge, and HPV vaccination adherence. Invited talk given at the quarterly meeting of the Intermountain West HPV Coalition, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT.
Birmingham, W.C. (January 2018) “Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice? “I do” and Body Image” Invited talk given at the Global Women’s Studies Capstone Seminar. Provo, UT
Birmingham, W.C. (Feb 2015). “HPV Vaccination: Understanding the LDS Perspective”. Invited talk given at the quarterly meeting of the Intermountain West HPV Vaccination Coalition. Boise, Idaho.
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L.M., Herr, R. M., Hung, M. Workplace support and nocturnal blood pressure dipping. Oral presentation to be presented at the International Association for Relationship Research, July, 2020. London, UK. Conference postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L M., Hung, M. What’s Happening While You Sleep? Relationship Quality and Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping. Oral presentation presented at the International Association for Relationship Research, July, 2019. Brighton, UK
*Kaseda, E., Birmingham, W.C., Kirwan, C.B., *Nielson, S.J., Anderson, M., Blackhurst, Z., Aaron, S., & Braithwaite, S. Decreased amygdala activation in ambivalent marriages: An fMRI investigation. Paper presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2017. Orem, UT.
*Kaseda, E., Birmingham, W.C. Kirwan, C.B., Nielson, S.J., Anderson, M., Blackhurst, Z., Aaron, S., Braithwaite, S.R. (2017). Emotional Processing in Supportive Marriages: Increased Amygdala Activation in an FMRI Investigation. Oral presentation at the annual conference for the American Psychosomatic Society. March 2017. Seville, Spain.
Wadsworth, L., Birmingham, W.C., *Kaseda, E., *Wade, T. (2017). The Relationship Between Work Social Support and Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Oral presentation at the annual conference for the American Psychosomatic Society. March 2017. Seville, Spain.
**Voss, M., Hung, M., Wadsworth, L., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. (2016). Late Life Unemployment and Life Satisfaction. Paper presented at the 2016 Joint Research Conference of the Society for the Study of Occupation: USA (SSO:USA) and the Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists (CSOS). September 2016. Portland, Maine.
Birmingham, W.C., *Sgro, J., Cavallini, A., *Kaseda, E., Ballew, K.,* Herron, C., *Nielson, S. I Do! The impact of marital relationship quality and eating behaviors on resting blood pressure in sub-clinical eating-disorder women. Oral presentation at the biannual conference of the International Association for Relational Research, July, 2016. Toronto, Canada.
Birmingham, W.C., *Romney, C., *Sgro, J., *Nielson, S., *Hartung, E., *Ray, K., *Kaseda, E. Family cancer risk: The relative accuracy of family cancer history knowledge in a younger population. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
Reblin, M., Birmingham, W.C., Kohlmann, W., *Sgro, J., *Hartung, E. (Oct 2015). Communication strategies associated with greater spousal influence in colorectal cancer risk prevention discussions. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare. New Orleans, LA.
Birmingham, W.C., Kohlmann, W., *Hartung, E., *Higbee, S., *Sgro, J., *Hanni, S., *Romney, C., *Willoughby, A., Reblin, M. (June 2015). Spousal Influence on Colorectal Cancer Screening Behaviors and Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Perceptions of Both At-Risk Spouses and Their Partners. Paper presented to the 2015 Conference of the International Association for Relationship Research, New Brunswick, NJ.
*Kemp, C., *Felin, M., *Kindt, C.,* Fitzgerald, J., **Graff, T., Macintosh, J., Vaughn, A., Birmingham, W.C.Impact of religiosity on HPV knowledge and adherence to vaccination. Poster presented at the annual Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research (Mar 2018). Cedar City, UT.
*Kemp, C., *Felin, M., * Kindt, C., * Fitzgerald, J., **Graff, T., Macintosh, J., Vaughn, A., Birmingham, W.C. Religiosity and HPV knowledge and adherence to vaccination. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. (Jul 2018). Fort Collins, CO.
** Graff, T., Birmingham, W.C., Luke, S. Tonic Pupillary Stress Response and the Impact of Received Social Support. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the International Association of Relationship Research. (Jul 2018). Fort Collins, CO.
*Kaseda, E., Birmingham, W.C. Family Relationships and Inhibition Control in Emerging Adults with ADHD. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. (Mar 2018). New Orleans, LA.
* Kaseda, E., Blackurst, Z., Aaron, S.C., Muncy, N., Anderson. M., Kirwan, B., Braithwaite, S.R., Birmingham, W.C. The Effect of Marital Satisfaction and Neuroticism on Amygdala Activation. Poster presented at the annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. (Mar 2018). New Orleans, LA.
**Graff, T., Birmingham, W.C., Luke, S. Impact of received social support on pupillary stress response. Poster presented at the 75th annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. (Mar 2018). Louisville, KY.
*Kaseda, E., *Sardoncillo, D., Birmingham, W.C. A self-report of parental behaviors and self-control among adolescents with ADHD. Poster presented at the 75th annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. (Mar 2018). Louisville, KY.
Birmingham, W.C., *Kaseda, E., **Graff, T., Wadsworth, L. Exercise and resilience after retirement. Poster presented at the 75th annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. (Mar 2018). Louisville, KY.
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L., Hung, M., *Kaseda, E., **Graff, T. Stress and marriage: Relationship quality, stress and blood pressure. Poster presented at the 75th annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. (Mar 2018). Louisville, KY. Citation Award Winner
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L., Hung, M., *Kaseda, E., **Graff, T. Stress and marriage: Ambivalent relationships, stress and blood pressure. Poster presented at the annual mid-year conference for the American Psychosomatic Society. Oct 2017. Berkeley, CA.
*Kaseda, E., **Graff, T.C., Voss, M., Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L.L., Hung, M. (Apr 2017). Retirement and Family Support: Effects on Physiological and Psychological Health. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference, Brigham Young University. April 2017. Provo, UT.
*Subiantoro, T., *Kaseda, E., **Graff, T.C., *Hall, K., Voss, M., Bounsanga, J., Wadsworth, L.L., Hung, M., Birmingham, W.C. Exercise After Retirement: The Secret to Productive Aging. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference, Brigham Young University. April 2017. Provo, UT.
**Graff, T.C., *Lee, E., *Kaseda, E., Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L.L., Hung, M. The Relationship between Work Social Support and Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference, Brigham Young University. April 2017. Provo, UT.
*Lee, E.,* Lee, C., Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L.L. He Thinks, She Thinks: Differences Between Self and Spousal Perceptions of Positivity and Negativity. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference, Brigham Young University. April 2017. Provo, UT.
*Wright, K., Birmingham, W.C., Reblin, M. Ignoring the Impact of Genetics: Why some high-risk individuals choose to forgo genetic testing for colorectal cancer. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Research Conference, Brigham Young University. April 2017. Provo, UT.
*Hall, K., *Kaseda, E., **Graff, T.C.,*Subiantoro, T., **Voss, M.M., *Bounsanga, J., Wadsworth, L., Hung, M., Birmingham, W.C. Senior Olympians: Models of Successful Aging. Paper presented at the annual conference for the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. April 2017. Salt Lake City, UT. **Diversity Award Winner**
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L., *Kaseda, E., ** Voss, M.M., Bounsanga, J., Hung, M. Spousal Retirement Communication and Decision-Making on Relationship Quality and Self-Reported Health in Older Adults. Poster presentation at the annual conference for the Society of Behavioral Medicine. March 2017. San Diego, CA.
Birmingham, W.C., Wadsworth, L., *Kaseda, E., *Wade, T.,* Eversole, K. (2017). Marital Relationship Quality Begins with Me: The Impact of One’s Own Behavior Toward Spouse on Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Poster presented at the annual conference for the American Psychological Society. March 2017. Seville, Spain.
*Nielson, A., *Wright, K., *Sgro, J., Birmingham, W.C. (2016). I Feel Fat: Spousal Support and Body Image. Poster presentation at the annual Mary Lou Fulton Mentoring Undergraduate Research Conference; Provo, UT. (Undergraduate student presented). Award winner. April, 2016. Provo, Utah.
*Nielson, S., *Kaseda, E., *Anderson, M., **Blackhurst, Z., **Aaron, S., Birmingham, W.C., Kirwan, B., Braithwaite, S. Ambivalent Relationship Quality in Neurological Functioning: Elucidating the Physiological Pathways by Which Marriage Impacts Health. Poster presentation at the annual Mary Lou Fulton Mentoring Undergraduate Research Conference; Provo, UT. (Undergraduate student presented). April, 2016. Provo, Utah.
*Nielson, S., Birmingham, W.C., *Sgro, J., *Ray, K., *Hartung, E., *Romney, C. Affective Forecasting of Parental Health: Optimistic Behavior Modeling in Parents-to-be. Poster presentation at the annual Mary Lou Fulton Mentoring Undergraduate Research Conference; Provo, UT. (Undergraduate student presented). April, 2016. Provo, Utah.
Birmingham, W.C., Reblin, M., Kohlmann, W., *Sgro, J. The Effects of Genetic Counseling Information on Spousal Influence on Modifiable Risk-Reducing Strategies for Their at-Risk Partner. Presented at the biannual conference of the International Association for Relational Research, July, 2016. Toronto, Canada.
* Crum A.B., Birmingham W.C., * Bounsanga J., **Voss M.W., Chen W., Hung M., Regional differences in depressive symptoms in older adults. Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 7-9, 2016 in Asheville, NC.
*Nielson, S.J., Birmingham, W.C., *Sgro, J., *Ray, K., Hartung, E., *Kaseda, E., *Herron, C., *Romney, C. Perspectives of the optimism bias on behavior modeling in new and prospective parents. Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society annual meeting, March, 2016. Denver, CO.
*Sgro, J., Birmingham, W.C., **Voss, M. W., *Bounsanga, J., Hung, M. Effects of frequent marital communication and decision-making on psychological outcomes: A study of older adults. Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society annual meeting, March, 2016. Denver, CO.
*Sgro, J., Birmingham, W.C., *Kaseda, E., Cavallini, A., *Ballew, K., *Nielson, S.J., *Ray, K., *Herron, C., *Eversole, K., *Hyatt, K. Relationship quality and body image: Can supportive spouses make a difference? Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society annual meeting, March, 2016. Denver, CO.
*Bousanga, J., Hung, M., **Voss, M.W., *Crum, A.B., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. The impact of family support and relationships in health aging. Presented at the American Psychosomatic Society annual meeting, March, 2016.. Denver, CO.
Carlise, M., *Hartung, E., Birmingham, W.C. I know what I think about exercise, but does my spouse’s attitude matter? Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
**Voss, M., Birmingham, W.C., Bounsanga, J., *Crum, A.B., Chen, W., Hung, M. Assessment of marital quality and health in the aging population. Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
Hung, M., *Crum. A.B., *Bounsanga, J., ** Voss, M.W., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. Prevalence of depressive symptoms in an older population by geographical region. Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
Hung, M., *Bounsanga, J., **Voss, M., *Crum, A.B., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. Exploring family support in elderly with arthritis pain and depression. Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
*Sgro, J., Birmingham, W.C., **Voss, M., *Bounsanga, J., Hung. M. Effects of communication and decision-making on psychological well-being in married older adults. Presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting, March, 2016. Washington DC.
*Ballew, K., *Sgro, J., *Kesada, E., Cavallini, A., *Nielsen, S.J., *Ray, K., *Herron, C., Eversole, K., Hyatt, K., Birmingham, W.C. Religiosity may not predict better body image: a study in sub-clinical women. Presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
* Eversole, K., *Sgro, J., *Ray, K., *Herron, C., *Kaseda, E., *Nielson, S.J., Hartung, E., Birmingham, W.C., Spousal influence on health behavioral practices in young couples. Presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Sgro, J., *Hartung, E., Birmingham, W.C., Carlisle, M. Effects of spousal attitudes on own exercise behavior. Presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Kaseda, E., Sgro, J., Cavallini, A., Ballew, K., Nielson, S.J., Ray, K., Herron, C., Eversole, K., Hyatt, K., Birmingham, W.C. Personal susceptibility to media influence: Body satisfaction in sub-clinical women. Presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Nielson, S., *Sgro, J., Kohlmann, W., Reblin, M., Birmingham, W.C. Improving cancer screening behavior: How does spousal influence and communication effect behavior? Presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Sgro, J., Birmingham, W.C., Voss, M. W., *Bousanga, J., Hung, M. Effects of frequent marital communication and decision-making on psychological outcomes: A study of older adults. Presented at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
*Bounsanga, J., Hung, M., **Voss, M.V., *Crum, A.B., Chen, W., Birmingham, W.C. (Feb 2016). The influence of social support on health outcomes in the older population. Presented at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research, February, 2016. Salt Lake City, UT.
Reblin, M., Kohlmann, W., Birmingham, W.C., *Hartung, E., *Sgro, J. (July-August 2015). Spousal support can be positive or negative: Qualitative analysis of colorectal cancer risk prevention discussions. Poster presented at the 2015 World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, American Psychosocial Oncology Society meeting. Washington, D.C.
Birmingham. W.C., Reblin, M., Kohlmann, W., *Higbee, S., *Hartung, E., *Sgro. J., *Willoughby, A., *Romney, C. (July-August 2015). Improving cancer screening behavior: how does spousal Influence and communication effect behavior? Poster presented to the 2015 World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, American Psychosocial Oncology Society meeting. Washington, D.C.
*Hartung, E., *Higbee, S., *Sgro, J., *Hanni, S., *Romney, C., *Willoughby, K., Birmingham, W.C., Kohlmann, W., Reblin, M. (April 2015). Spousal influence on colorectal cancer screening behaviors: a feasibility study. Poster presented at the Mary Lou Fulton Mentored Student Research Conference, Brigham Young University. Provo, Utah.
*Hartung, E., *Higbee, S., *Sgro, J., *Hanni, S., *Romney, C., *Willoughby, A., Birmingham, W.C., Kohlmann, W., Reblin, M. (Feb 2015). Spousal influence on colorectal cancer screening behavior and lifestyle choices. Poster presented at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research. St. George, Utah.